Shropshire Animal Arks
Apex Aviary
Apex Aviary
The aviary is a favourite with bird lovers.
Combining a 6' x 5' aviary with a 3' x 3' indoor shelter and a 3' x 3' internal safety porch all under one T&G timber and mineralized felt roof.
Access to the safety porch is via an external door with access to the shelter and aviary from this porch. The door division between the safety porch and shelter is of welded mesh. The shelter has a Perspex window and bird access pophole.
Constructed from 50mm x 38mm wooden framing and 16mm x 125mm T&G shiplap board. Welded mesh can be 1" x 1/2" 19g, 1/2" x 1/2" 19g or 1" x 1" 16g galvanized wire.
The access door can be positioned either on the right or on the left of the aviary depending on your requirements. (The picture shows the Apex Aviary with the door positioned on the left.)
All external timber is treated.
Supplied flat packed for easy two person construction.
We manufacture most of our products to order and we hope to dispatch your order within 15 working days from payment. Delivery can take a further 4 working days depending on method.
- Delivery to UK Mainland 3 - 4 working days from time of order £125
- Next working day delivery plus £50
- Other options available